Southern Woodworker’s Showcase
The SWS is a biennial show dedicated to highlighting a compilation of works from the woodworking world at large.
*Formerly Master Woodworker’s Show
How it started…
It all began with a group of woodworkers…
Shortly after the founding of the East TN Woodworkers Guild, a conversation sparked an idea for a show that would highlight handcrafted woodworking.
Within that year a show was put together and debuted at the West Town Mall before relocating to the Candy Factory. By the early 2000’s the show had grown and a relationship with the Emporium established an ongoing home to exhibit.
As one would expect, there is a lot to the history of this show. The story will continue as information is gathered. Stay tuned!
How it’s going…
Grow, baby, GROW!
There are not many shows like this available to the general public. To continue the efforts and goal that was the catalyst to starting this showcase, a major push to expand the reach is called for.
Starting this year, 2025, a major overhaul of the website, application process and adding of a Virtual Exhibition with it’s own jurors will bring more eyes to this unique showcase.
Over the past year, the show reins have officially past on to the new Director, Heather Ashworth. Two years prior, Heather was asked to consider taking charge and since has shadowed the 21st show from start to finish. This first year will be an intense but needed upgrade to bring the show into the next generations and to streamline a process for the future of the show.
The Future…
Beyond a biennial show.
To put a show like this together is a lot of work. A labor of love, really. So if you are going to take the time, what else can be added!?
Application assistance for students
Scholarships for classes
Woodworking classes for youth
A showcase for youth woodworkers
Director: Heather Ashworth
Heather is a Knoxville based artist and wood shop technician. She is the admin and shop manager for Able Trade in old downtown Knoxville; a 24 thousand sq ft industrial makerspace. Heather has been in the woodworking world for over 22 years starting as a teen, originally focused in furniture design before shifting to high Craft over the 12 years she worked for Arrowmont School of Arts and Craft. Her current focus is on chair caning and restoration, Shaker Craft including bentwood boxes and broom craft. As well as teaching in all areas including encouraging the next generation to fall in love with woodworking and the trades field!
Check Heather out on IG @madelastnightstudio