
Southern Woodworker’s

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The biennial show of Knoxville, Tennessee

November 2025

SWS 2025 Show Info

Open call - June 1st
Deadline - August 1st
Show - November 7-9th

“After 25 years, the best part of what I do is still taking tool in hand and applying myself to the work of making something worth having.”

The Past…

Former Director: Scott DeWard

Over the last forty or so years, it has been my pleasure to make a living by working in my craft.  I moved to East Tennessee in 1980 and found work in the local craft community.  Two years later, I opened my own workshop.  I have slowly worked to expand and refine my skills since then.  Over the years, it has been my good fortune to find myself in the company of some very skilled and intelligent people.  I will always be thankful for their friendship and generosity in sharing what they know.  After 25 years, the best part of what I do is still taking tool in hand and applying myself to the work of making something worth having. I also get out every other year to act as director of the East Tennessee Woodworker Guild’s Master Woodworker Show in Knoxville.

Pictured with former ETWG President, Stephen Shankles & their work respectively.